Part Circle/ro

Part Circle

Menu location
Part → Create Primitives → Circle
Part, OpenSCAD
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


Un element primitiv geometric este Circle care este disponibil din dialogul Create Primitives în Atelierul de lucru Part.

Această comandă va crea o muchie curbată circulară. Cu valorile implicite, muchia curbată circulară va fi închisă și, prin urmare, va fi un cerc. Dacă proprietățile Unghi 0 sau Unghi 1 sunt modificate din valorile implicite (0 și 360) marginea va fi o curbă deschisă, un arc de cerc.

A Part Circle is in fact a closed counterclockwise circular arc, it can be turned into an arc by changing its DateAngle1 and/or DateAngle2 properties.


See Part Primitives.

A Part Circle can alternatively be created by selecting three points:

  1. In the task panel of the Part Primitives command select the Circle option from the dropdown list.
  2. Press the From three points button.
  3. Select three vertices in the 3D view. There is no need to hold down the Ctrl key.
  4. A circle is created.
  5. The selected vertices are only used at creation time to calculate the DateRadius and DatePlacement of the circle.


Part Circle from the scripting example

A Part Circle object created with the scripting example below is shown here.


Crearea unui cerc sau a unui arc de cerc parametric.

Utilizăm meniul Crea primitive... → Cerchio. Și apare o fereastră de dialog. Se deschide un dialog care vă permite să setați:

Primitive Geometrice



  • Raza
  • Unghiul 1
  • Unghiul 2
  • Cerc definit din trei puncte

See also: Property editor.

A Part Circle object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



The object has the same attachment properties as a Part Part2DObject.


  • Radius: raza muchiei curbate (arc or circle)
  • Angle 0: Unghiul de pornire a muchiei curbate, (degrees anti-clockwise), valoara implictă este 0
  • Angle 1: Unghiul de capăt al muchiei curbate, (degrees sens antiorar/trigonometric), valoarea implictă este 360


See also: Autogenerated API documentation, Part scripting and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

A Part Circle can be created with the addObject() method of the document:

circle = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Circle", "myCircle")


import FreeCAD as App

doc = App.activeDocument()

circle = doc.addObject("Part::Circle", "myCircle")
circle.Radius = 10
circle.Angle1 = 45
circle.Angle2 = 225
circle.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(1, 2, 3), App.Rotation(30, 45, 10))
